2020 Update:
Hong's Electronics - Quarantine Update
Dayton, OH  (May, 2020)

2019 Presentations:
BSides Dayton 2019 PCB Reverse Engineering
Dayton, OH (November, 2019)

2018 Presentations:

Teardown: Portland 2018 - Design and Reverse Engineering
PNCA Portland, OR  (May 11th - 13th)

ToorCamp - Hardware REverse Psychology
San Juan Islands, WA (June 20th - 24th) 

PCB West 2018PCB Reverse Engineering Countermeasures
Santa Clara Convention Center, CA (September 11th - 13th) 

Download Presentation: https://goo.gl/ijn9fa

Hardware Reverse Engineering/Hardware Pentest template:

These are generic templates, I did not bother sticking with a particular format, as everyone has a different requirements and needs, also don't complain these are free!
