Pages you have got to check out!
- EEVBLOG (Electronics Engineering Video Blog)
- The Amp Hour Podcast
- EEWeb (Electrical engineering news and resources)
- The EE Times
- Hackaday
- All About Circuits
- MAKE Magazine
- ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League)
- IEEE (Institute of electronics and electrical engineers)
- FIRST Robotics Competition
- Wright State University Department of Electrical Engineering
- Major League Hacking (Hackathons)
Resources and OSHW (Open Source Hardware) Projects that you should get involved in!
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduino
- Beagle Board
- The Electronics Club Page
- Talking Electronics
- Datasheet Search
- Google Patent search
Retailers and Distributors
- Radioshack
- Digikey
- Mouser
- Element 14
- Jameco
- Electronic Goldmine
- Nearby Hong's Electronics (within a 20 mile radius)
- Mendleson's Surplus Electronics (Downtown Dayton)
- MCM Electronics (Springboro, Ohio)
- Parts Express (Springboro, Ohio)
- Midwest Electronic Surplus (Fairborn, Ohio)
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