TinkerKit Review

What is The TinkerKit?

The TinkerKit is an Arduino Shield with the purpose of eliminating the breadboard for rapid prototyping with an Arduino. One can easily plugin sensors and output devices. All with just some wires that you just snap in, upload your code and go!

Here is the TinkerKit Website link: http://www.tinkerkit.com/

How did I come across it and my first Impressions?

This is another item that I also purchased in my Radio Shack clearance shopping spree. I bought for the sole purpose of doing this review, but after tinkering around with it, I really liked the fact that I can do a lot of stuff with it without ever using a breadboard. The basic kit comes with a button, 2 potentiometers, 4 LEDs, LDR, Touch Sensor, Tilt sensor, relay and thermistor.


I definitely think this is one of the best Arduino Shields I have ever purchased and I will definitely keep tinkering around with it! I also think this is a great way for beginners in Arduino can get started with. The TinkerKit website has great tutorials with detailed steps (check out here: http://www.tinkerkit.com/tutorials/ )

Here is the Get Started page: http://www.tinkerkit.com/get/

